Friday, September 01, 2006

I'm very sick today. I've had a pretty rough run around with the doctor. I went to see a doctor yesterday. She did a rapid strep test - which came back positive. Since I had just been on an antibiotic that didn't work she decided to grow a culture of it out and see what anti-biotic worked. They told me this morning that the test wouldn't be done today and that I wouldn't know what medicine I was on until Tuesday.

The test did come back today, but it came back negative for strep. That shouldn't happen. So, they called me and told me it was probably viral and that I would just have to tough it out. 15 minutes later they called back to tell me that the doctor had been consulted and that I would be put on penicilin. Yay. I just went to Wal-mart (and to get some food) and my perscription only cost $15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! Here's to hoping it will work.

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